
Bal­li­stic pro­tec­tion glasses from Swis­seye con­vin­ce with shat­ter­pro­of poly­car­bo­na­te lenses. The bal­li­stic pro­tec­tion glasses are pro­du­ced accor­ding to the strict safety norm EN 12312–1. All of these glasses offer the highest optical quality with 100% UVA, UVB and UVC-pro­tec­tion without dis­tor­ti­on

Stanag Swisseye


All of our frames are made of robust, fle­xi­ble, shat­ter­pro­of anti-all­er­gic mate­ri­al. The main mate­ri­al is TR90. Some of our frames also have adjus­ta­ble temples, (optio­nal) RX clip adap­ters as well as more bene­fi­ci­al fea­tures such as com­for­ta­ble nose pads to ensure a good fit. Fur­ther­mo­re, all tac­ti­cal glasses also have a special anti­fo­g/an­tis­cratch-coating which pre­vents all lenses for steam­ing up and scrat­ching.

standards and certifications

Raptor with-E Tac-1
  • ANSI Z87.1
  • EN 166
  • MIL-PRF-31013
  • MIL-PRF-32432
  • MIL-DTL-43511D
  • STANAG 2920/4296
  • EN 207:2017–05
  • EN 12312–1

The norms are written in the frames and / or on the lens/es.

more infor­ma­ti­on