“Ukraine Aid Ope­ra­ti­ons” was founded by Harri from Estonia and it is a vol­un­teer orga­ni­sa­ti­on that direct­ly sup­pli­es equip­ment to police offi­cers, para­me­dics and defen­ders in Ukraine.

Like other aid orga­ni­sa­ti­ons, “Ukraine Aid Ope­ra­ti­ons” coll­ects mate­ri­al via cash dona­ti­ons, dona­ti­ons (Amazon Wish­list), auc­tions, crowd­fun­ding etc. to send mate­ri­al to the Ukraine. Via a logi­stics centre in Wacht­berg (near Bonn) and Florida (for the Amazon US dona­ti­ons) the goods are brought to Ukraine via Poland. The bal­li­stic glasses Raptor is often sel­ec­ted and sup­ports aid workers and defen­ders, who are often hit by artil­lery fire. We also support with a monthly dona­ti­on of 100 Raptors.


picture: Katha­ri­na Reh­laen­der (Account Manager, born in the Ukraine) & Mehmet Ünal (Head of Sales)