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Available repla­ce­ment parts
We have dif­fe­rent repla­ce­ment parts for the current pro­ducts / coll­ec­tion (nose pads, nose bridge etc.) that your dealer can order for you.

Deli­very times
Most of our pro­ducts are always on stock and deli­very time will depend on the distance. It may take several days to reach Euro­pean count­ries and several weeks for further desti­na­ti­ons. We trust in your under­stan­ding, that if an item is sold out it may come to a delay in deli­very.

Sub­di­vi­si­on into indi­vi­du­al cate­go­ries

Glasses are divided into five dif­fe­rent grades of trans­mis­si­on (grades of light trans­mis­si­on). This divi­si­on is not related to UV-pro­tec­tion. All our glasses – even the clear ones – offer 100% UVA, UVB and UVC pro­tec­tion up to 380 nm (nano­met­re).

Cate­go­ry 0:
for night use (clear lenses)

Cate­go­ry 1 and 2:
for light and medium solar radia­ti­on (orange, yellow)

Cate­go­ry 3:
for strong solar radia­ti­on (smoke, brown)

Cate­go­ry 4:
Is used in case of very strong solar radia­ti­on (e.g. on a glacier) and thus is not sui­ta­ble for driving.

Chan­ging lenses of the current tac­ti­cal glasses:
Apache, Attac, Gardosa Evo­lu­ti­on M/P, Maverick and Skyray:
Hold the tac­ti­cal glasses in the left hand at the nose area so that the inside of the glasses is facing to you. Now pull off the lens near the nose area with light pres­su­re. Now you can remove the lens from the outer side of the frame. Please repeat this process also on the other side. Insert the spare lens first at the outer edge and then push it in towards the front.
Black­hawk & Black­hawk Pro, Night­hawk & Night­hawk Pro and Raptor & Raptor Pro:

Hold the tac­ti­cal glasses in the left hand at the nose area so that the inside of the glasses is facing to you. Now pull off the lens near the nose area with light pres­su­re. You can now remove the lens from the outer sides of the frame. Please repeat this process also on the other side. Insert the spare lens first at the outer edge and then push it in towards the front.
Stin­gray M/P:

First remove the clip adapter of the Stin­gray M/P. Hold the Stin­gray M/P hori­zon­tal­ly. Pull the right lens down­ward and at the same time press the right frame upward. With a “click” this part of frame will become loose. Please repeat the same pro­ce­du­re for the left side. It can be rather hard to remove the lens first time! Lenses and frame are very fle­xi­ble and robust however! Now you can remove the lenses easily and change them.
Hold the tac­ti­cal glasses Devil in the left hand at the nose area so that the inside of the glasses is facing you. Now pull off the lens near the upper nose pad area with light pres­su­re out of the frame. Please repeat this process also on both sides and remove the lens. Insert the spare lens from the outside, start­ing at the right edge.
Firstly, please remove the foam from the nose area and after this from the outer sides. After that press the lens out from the inside to the outside softly. Insert the spare lens from the outside to the inside and press it in softly at the nose area. Finally, replace the foam at the outer sides and after this press it down at the nose area.
F‑Tac, F‑Tac Pro and F‑Tac Arctic:
First pull out one side of the nose holder to unhoo­ked it and remove the holder from the frame. After this spread top of the frame to loosen the lens. Then unhook the lens from the frame and remove it. Next, insert bottom of the lens into the “frame ditch”. Then insert two sides of the lens into the “frame ditch”. Finally, press down top of the frame to the lens.

dimen­si­ons current coll­ec­tion

RX clips

Which RX clip adap­ters are sui­ta­ble for which tac­ti­cal glasses?
RX Clip 62101: Black­hawk, Defense, Night­hawk, Raptor
RX Clip 62106: Stin­gray MP
RX Clip 62110: Tomcat
RX Clip 62141: G‑Tac

Are the RX clips sui­ta­ble for varif­o­cal use?
This depends on indi­vi­du­al para­me­ters which should be spe­ci­fi­cal­ly cla­ri­fied by an opti­ci­an.

Can you use the RX clips for all kind of diop­tries?
Due to many dif­fe­rent pos­si­bi­li­ties the range is wider than with direct glazing! However, there is a range that may not be tech­ni­cal­ly fea­si­ble in order to make it com­for­ta­ble for the user. This should also be cla­ri­fied by an opti­ci­an.

Care ins­truc­tions to clean the RX clip adap­ters?
Clean the RX clip adapter with water or mild soapy water. Never clean with mate­ri­als which contais alcohol or dirty cloths.

Which sizes have the RX clip adap­ters?
Infor­ma­ti­on about RX Clips