
For clear vision in every situation

One clip fix it all — glazing in pre­scrip­ti­on for the Black­hawk Pro, Night­hawk Pro, Raptor Pro, F‑Tac Pro und F‑Tac Arctic.

All of them have an adjus­ta­ble nose bridge and a NK coating. The Night­hawk Pro and the Raptor Pro also have an hole for the head­band.


Bal­li­stic pro­tec­tion glasses from Swis­seye con­vin­ce with shat­ter­pro­of poly­car­bo­na­te lenses. The bal­li­stic pro­tec­tion glasses are pro­du­ced accor­ding to the strict safety norm EN 12312–1. All of these glasses offer the highest optical quality with 100% UVA, UVB and UVC-pro­tec­tion without dis­tor­ti­on

Stanag Swisseye

video: proof test

certified quality

Our tac­ti­cal glasses have been suc­cessful­ly tested to high inter­na­tio­nal stan­dards (cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­ons are model depen­dent).


ANSI Z87.1

EN 166

MIL-PRF-31013 /32432

STANAG 2920/4296

EN 207:2017–05


certified quality

Our tac­ti­cal glasses have been suc­cessful­ly tested to high inter­na­tio­nal stan­dards (cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­ons are model depen­dent).


ANSI Z87.1

EN 166

MIL-PRF-31013 /32432

STANAG 2920/4296

new products


Schutzbrillen von Swisseye

das DWJ widmet unseren Schutz­bril­len mehrere Seiten im Magazin! Lesen Sie mehr …
