art. no. 10161
art. no. 10161RX (incl. clip)

frame: rubber black
lens: smoke, orange, clear

pre­scrip­ti­on needed? more infor­ma­ti­on





Your Swisseye Raptor Pro

General infor­ma­ti­on:

  • Temples with incli­na­ti­on adjus­t­ment (incli­na­ti­on)
  • flat, adjus­ta­ble temples (adjus­ta­ble in length)
  • Adjus­ta­ble, new nose area
  • 2.5 mm poly­car­bo­na­te lens with anti-fog/an­­ti-scratch coating in accordance with EN 166 FTKN
  • 100% UVA, UVB and UVC pro­tec­tion up to 400 nm (nano­me­ters)
  • Remo­va­ble RX clip adapter for pre­scrip­ti­on glazing (optio­nal)
  • Inter­ch­an­geable lenses in orange & clear (artic­les 10164, 10165, 10166)
  • Case, head­band and micro­fi­ber bag included

The Raptor Pro RX is equip­ped with a remo­va­ble RX clip adapter (62112) for pre­scrip­ti­on lenses. This clip is also sui­ta­ble for the Black­hawk Pro, F‑Tac Pro, F‑Tac Arctic and Night­hawk Pro tac­ti­cal goggles.

More infor­ma­ti­on about the laser disks:

  • The laser disk 694/830–860/1064 offers pro­tec­tion in a wide range of laser wave­lengths DIR 694 LB4 / DIR 830–860 LB3 /DIR 1064 LB4.
  • The laser disk 532/694/1064 offers a wide range of the most com­mon­ly used laser wave­lengths DIR 532 LB4 / DIR 694 LB4 / DIR 1064 LB4.

Cer­ti­fied accor­ding to:

  • EN 12312–1
  • MIL-PRF-31013
  • MIL-PRF-32432(A)
  • MIL-DT-43511D
  • ANSI Z87.1
  • STANAG 2920/4296
  • EN 166 FTKN
  • EN 207:2017–05 (40481 + 40482)
Mehr zu unseren Zer­ti­fi­zie­run­gen
mate­ri­al frame: Nylon impact
mate­ri­al lens/es: poly­car­bo­nat
spare lens/es: orange + clear (10164–66)
weight: 35 g
RX clip: optio­nal (article 62112)
other fea­tures: Incli­na­ti­on
equip­ment: micro­fi­ber bag

A: 145 mm   B: 19 mm   C: 55 mm   D: 92 mm   E: 108–125 mm

Protect your eyes and the­r­e­fo­re use appro­pria­te tac­ti­cal glasses in your pre­scrip­ti­on!
The RX clip adapter is included with the RX version (e.g. 10164RX) and can be glazed by an opti­ci­an as requi­red. It can be easily removed from the tac­ti­cal goggles for clea­ning.

Mehr zu unseren Tech­no­lo­gien
swisseye-nighthawk-RX Clipadater


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The Raptor Pro in use


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MIL-PRF-32432A, ANSI Z87.1, EN 166, EN 207:2017–05, Incli­na­ti­on, MIL-PRF-31013, RX clips, spare lenses, STANAG